Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Questions that each woman should make men !

Penetration into the male brain may be one of the most difficult jobs that exist. Women tend to use different tactics to understand what happens in the head of the partner, but the best and simplest is to ask.The following ten questions each female should make men at the beginning of the connection, while some of them even at an early stage and flirtit enticement. Some answers may not be love, but it is better to understand the truth before deeper feelings.What are your main goalsYou must accept that not all his goals involve you. In fact, some of them are set before you enter his lifeWhat childhood you hadKnowing how it is grown, the easier you will understand his personality and why it is such as it is.What makes it uncertainIt is better to know someone uncertainties before they arise. In this way there will be confounded to all, but we will know how to behave at the critical moment.What are professionalFor the future of connectivity is good to know if you think of the shift due to career, to spend more time at work and the like.What awaits the connectionNot all have the same opinion for the link. So it is best to explain that at the beginning and to know what is the bond of love.Do you want childrenSome couples never talk about it, so when one partner says he wants to have children, remain shocked to realize that the other person has never wanted to be a parent.What attracts womenEveryone has a personal opinion on the ideal partner that is not only about physical appearance.What one expects from himselfWhat a man expects from himself, in all probability will require from you.What do you expect from your partnerWhat do you want? What is the most important thing for a woman it offers? Which requires the general partner?How is your family and friendsWho they are, how they are, what they do, what are the relations between them? Simple, understand everything about his family and friends.


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