Thursday, September 6, 2012

The best diet for former smokers.

When a smoker give up cigarettes, he solicited food. Not clear how to remove the desire for nicotine. Consuming foods crushed sounds like a good idea and the right solution. But, instead of just crushed food consumption, former smokers rush food and consume almost anything that comes to hand. In this way, start adding kilograms. Nutricistët advise that these moments of nervousness not heal with peanuts and crisps, but Decide on sugar-free gum and apples.

First Day
Lunch: vegetable dish (beans, peas, carrots, brokol) beef steak, melon.
Dinner: salad with tomatoes and cucumbers, oranges.
Second Day
Lunch: vegetable soup, beef with mash potatoes, peaches.
Dinner: green salad with vinegar, soy sauce and grill fish meat with integral rice, pear.
Third Day
Lunch: baked kungulleshka less meat (meat as desired, preferably fish meat), integral muffin, pineapple.
Dinner: salad with fresh vegetables, an easy dish with mushrooms, toasted bread.
Fourth Day
Lunch: dish with cabbage, potatoes and onions meat baked with kungulleshka, juices.
Dinner: salad with tomatoes, peas with meat.
Fifth Day
Lunch: fish meat dish with three tablespoons of rice, apple.
Dinner: salad with spinach, tangerines.
Day six
Lunch, chicken with vegetables (kungulleshka and red peppers), three parts, toast, orange juice.
Dinner: 100 grams of fried potatoes, 100 grams new cheese, pear.
Day seven
Lunch: grilled chicken white meat with integral rice, roasted peppers erëzuar, fruit yogurt.
Dinner: drink from carrots and kungulleshkat, chicken breast and some fresh pineapple


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