Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is there love after betrayal ?

Speaking experiences that adultery is one of the most painful things that can happen in a love connection. Suffice it to happen only once - both partners, first and foremost, one betrayed over will feel the pain and all the consequences of betrayal.Why betray?After a long time spent in a bond of love and (or) when starting middle age - people often feel the need to prove that there is still "valid". And why not think about betrayal - both men and women - often at this age begin to diet and more caring about their appearance, because they want to be beautiful yet for ourselves and for others. Extramarital adventures sometimes represent exactly "evidence" such.In any case, the "external", first of all, show poor communication and long crisis in the relations of the partners. Adultery most often occurs with someone who he betrays known - especially with any of your friends (Mike) or colleagues (peers) work.As concluded adventure?There are three actions "universal" in the completion of extramarital connection:- Acceptance of cheating first partner (husband and wife);- Care to never do you see or meet with her boyfriend (girlfriend);- Finding the way to be released from thoughts boyfriend (girlfriend).Is it possible "reconstruction" of betrayalIs the misconception that if adultery has already happened, and then received and is forgiven, the connection is definitely more powerful and safer. Indeed, the betrayed partner often forgive betrayal, but very difficult to forget. Pain which caused extramarital relationship may accompany partners for years, even a lifetime.Most people after disloyalty will naturally feel left PADOR, betrayed, cheated ... The first reaction most frequently betrayed partner is the desire that the relationship be terminated immediately, because most people can not live with thoughts of betrayal which has become the partner-partner.How to stay together?However, after the betrayal, the first reactions betrayed partner in most cases, however, decided to "close your eyes" and maintain the connection. What it is important to know the stage: thinking of betrayal can not lose anything - but time may be extended ...Emotional experiences of betrayal in time will fade if not repeated painful moments and if the partner-partner who betrayed him-what has been betrayed to provide full support and sense of security in emotional connection.

Support - four rules of conduct1. Be sure never not be the cause of the disaster of partner-partner.Make sure that after the betrayal are specifically dedicated partner - your partner, you're always with him, and in that way try to reset lost faith.2. Plotësojani all partner-partner emotional needs.Zotërojeni skill of active listening, always show maximum understanding and help partner-partner to solve any problem, even the slightest. Provide full support partner-partner emotional and physical!3. Provide continuous care partner.All your free time kushtojani partner. Talk to each other and listen to each other. Also, pasurojeni your sex life - let's be more sensational than before.4. Be completely honest with your partner.Betrayal certainly will not happen if everything was okay between partners. Therefore, learn it, that all communication basing on sincerity and are open to each other. Instead of looking lover (lover) Other, Explain how and why your partner ever feel unnoticed, pajoshur and incomplete.If you are betrayed party ...Think about what has been your connection quality before going on treason and through that phase has passed your link. Also, carefully observe the behavior of a partner is committed and it is committed to the relationship again be placed on the footing.If your partner (partner) after your betrayal brought into harmony with the four conditions mentioned above, it is clear that I am really committed to win your trust again. Support and partner with mutual good communication - will certainly pass more easily and perhaps pain, however, will understand that your emotional connection deserves a chance.


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